Veterinary Scrubs: Do They Exist?

Veterinary Scrubs: Do They Exist?

Veterinary scrubs

If late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmell asked random people on the streets of NYC whether or not healthcare providers who treat animals and health care providers who treat humans wear the same type of medical scrubs, most of them would probably say yes. And while those of you who work with animals do likely wear the same scrubs that people who treat humans wear, you probably wish that weren’t the case. Given a choice, we bet you’d prefer to wear special veterinary scrubs that took your workday into account.

Vet Scrubs Demand More

Veterinarians and vet techs have different needs when it comes to scrubs, and that’s because the stuff you do on a daily basis is quite unique. Think about it -- have you ever seen doctors or nurses carrying their patients around? No, but you do that. Getting down on the floor to interact with their patients? You do that, too. And do doctors and nurses worry about their patients urinating on them? Probably not, but, unfortunately, it has happened to you once or twice. Do they worry about patients scratching or biting them? Hopefully not! I think we’ve made our point. 

Scrubs for Vets

Your needs are different because your patients are different. Your patients show up for their appointments without any clothes on, for starters. And your patients can’t even tell you how they’re feeling. The list goes on. Because of this, you need scrubs that take all of these things into account. 

Fur Real

Take the whole fur thing, for example. You can’t wear 100% cotton scrubs because they’re an absolute fur magnet. If you’re going to wear all-cotton scrubs to work you might as well wrap yourself in inside-out masking tape. You need scrubs made from a performance polyester that can shed fur easily with a swipe or two of your hand. Another thing is the amount of time you spend lifting, bending down and on the floor. After all, your patients are rarely more than 2 feet tall. Scrub pants that won’t show your butt crack when you bend down are always a plus. And you may encounter some of your patients’ poop or pee while you’re down there, so moisture-wicking and antimicrobial properties can also be helpful. 

Why Our Scrubs Are Better

So while TiScrubs doesn’t make vet scrubs per se, our scrubs do address the various situations you encounter throughout your day, starting with one of your biggest complaints -- fur. With our performance polyester scrubs, fur be damned! Simply wipe it away with a few strokes of your hand. And thanks to our comfy elastic waistband with drawstring, your coin slot won’t be front and center every time you bend over to work with your patients. Because although your patients don’t care, their parents almost certainly do! Our scrubs are antimicrobial and moisture-wicking, which comes in handy when your patients lose their self-control. We even offer long-sleeve scrubs with all the same properties, which gives you just that much more protection.

Scrubs for vet techs

So, as you can, TiScrubs are the next best thing to actual veterinary apparel which, sorry guys, just doesn’t exist right now. Ready to give them a try? Shop our best sellers with free shipping when you spend $50 or more and free returns on every order. 

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