Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for years, you may find yourself wondering what scrub color you should be wearing. If you’re trying to figure it out, we’ve got some ideas that might make it a bit easier.
Or, maybe you find yourself wondering why you have to wear the color that you do. Turns out, often times there are solid reasons behind why a particular color is chosen, and we can share some insight with you. Take a look at the following scenarios, see which one applies to you, and then let’s see if you don’t feel a little less stressed after you’re finished reading.
Scenario #1: I do what I want!
Your office manager is a control freak who makes Cartman from South Park look like an angel. “I do what I want”, though never uttered out loud, is his or her mantra. Sorry, but you’re out of luck. Your office manager loves the color chartreuse and, to hell with everyone else, you’re wearing it. Forever. Even if the color makes people’s eyes bleed.

Scenario #2: You are the boss, and you want to have the most kick-ass practice in town.
The trend over the last decade has been for practices to move away from a “don-whatever-you-feel-like” look to a more uniform (pun intended!) look. If you are a practice owner with a penchant for perfection and want to have an office that looks as good as it runs, then you probably already know that outfitting your staff in stylish and professional-looking uniforms will complete the package.
You may choose for those in your office to wear scrubs that color-coordinate with the décor – a la uniforms that match the fancy metallic leather upholstery that you selected for your patient chairs. With this approach, you don’t have to worry about your staff’s own standards of dress and personal appearance detracting from your patients’ otherwise-polished experience in your office.
Perhaps you’re one of the lucky few with an award-worthy staff, so you’re okay with each individual standing out. You don’t mind a color that doesn’t quite mesh with the ambience you’ve created, as long as everybody looks neat and professional. In this instance, your staff’s personalities take center stage.
If color-coordinating with your office décor or allowing everyone to wear all the colors of the rainbow feels too much to you, black scrubs are always an excellent choice. Not only does black look sophisticated and metropolitan, it also allows your cutting-edge technology and the care you deliver to shine the most brightly.
Whatever your preference, just know that when choosing the colors for your office décor and your staff’s uniforms, color has a huge psychological impact on them and your patients. For example, bright, bold color schemes can raise a patient’s anxiety level, but they can also motivate and energize your staff.
Here’s another tip: Having everyone in the same color (or a small selection of coordinating colors) each day can give your patients the assurance that what they are witnessing is one big, happy family – you work together as a team on all fronts, from appearance to coordinating the care that they are receiving.
Scenario #3: You work for an institution that requires you to wear a certain color.
Here’s another situation in which there’s not much you can do about the color of scrubs you wear. If you work at a hospital with a dress code then your choices are limited. But know that the powers that be have valid reasons for making different departments and disciplines wear unique scrub colors: color-coded scrubs can help communicate your role to the patients you treat, build trust, and greatly influence the overall mood.
It might make you feel like you are back at summer camp, when you had to wear a red swim cap to indicate to the counselors in charge that you were a poor swimmer and had to be watched carefully, but don’t let it, because it’s definitely not the same thing. Color-coded scrubs don’t reflect your ability or how smart you are – they’re simply a way to let everyone know what your function is. No shame in the colors at all.
The good news is that while management may be forcing you to wear a particular color, often times they don’t care which brand you wear. So, what you can’t do with color, you can certainly make up for with style. Most scrub brands nowadays, including TiScrubs, offer a wide selection of flattering tops and pants styles for you to choose from.
Scenario #4: The sky is the limit.
If you work in a practice or at a hospital in which you can choose to wear any color scrubs you want, consider yourself lucky. If this is a luxury you’ve been afforded then, by all means, have some fun with it! Here are things to consider when choosing the scrub color that’s right for you.
1) Color Psychology
Remember that colors can evoke different moods – for both you and your patients. Here are just a few to consider:
Blue is everybody’s favorite color. Well, not exactly, but it’s definitely the most popular. About one-third of all people name blue as their favorite color. Different shades of blue can have subtly different effects. Ceil Blue can be relaxing and have a calming effect, so it is a perfect choice for a scrub color. Navy Blue can signal confidence, while Royal Blue gives off a feeling of energy, making these two shades of blue great choices too.
Red can elevate a person’s heart rate, raise body tension, and increase anxiety, but, interestingly enough, shades like pink and burgundy, although in the same family of color as red, can actually create a soothing visual experience.
Green, which gives a feeling of peace and tranquility, is found everywhere in nature. The grass and the trees are green, many of the foods we eat are green, etc.
2) In Honor of Those You Serve
If you’re in the oncology field, then you are probably familiar with the different ribbon colors associated with each type of cancer. The most recognized color is pink for breast cancer awareness. If you are a gastroenterologist then you may want to wear Royal Blue, which is the color for colon cancer awareness. Burgundy is the color designated for oral cancer.
3) Colors That Look Great with Your Hair and Skin Color
It seems crazy, but even the slightest variation in color shade can make or break how a particular color looks on you. It can mean the difference between looking radiant or washed out. There are lots of ways to determine what colors are right for you, but one of the easiest is to do a little test at home. Pull out several different-colored tops from your closet and drawers, and then park yourself in front of a mirror in a room that has great natural light. Next, hold up each top, one at a time, beneath your chin. Pay close attention to how your face changes as you hold up each one. If your face looks bright and radiant, it’s a good color for you. If it looks grey or washed out, then it’s not a good color for you. Make a list of all the colors that work for you, and use this list to determine which color scrubs you choose. Once you get your scrubs, do the same thing with them in order to make sure that their hue is right for you!
4) Go crazy!
Patterned scrub tops are cool this time around. Really! Before you go conjuring up images of the nightmare-inducing scrub tops of yesteryear, let us explain: Now you can grab scrub tops in your favorite patterns -- just enough to add a little panache without crossing the line. Try them, you’ll like them.
Now get shopping! The perfect scrubs are out there for you -- you just have to find them. Shop by scrub color using the links below!
Men | Women |
Black Scrubs | Black Scrubs |
Gray Scrubs | Gray Scrubs |
Navy Blue Scrubs | Navy Blue Scrubs |
Royal Blue Scrubs | Royal Blue Scrubs |
Ceil Blue Scrubs | Ceil Blue Scrubs |
Burgundy Scrubs | Burgundy Scrubs |