The Lululemon of Medical Scrubs
Known for our innovative sporty designs and high-quality fabrics, we've earned a reputation as the Lululemon of the medical world.
A "Handmade Tale" About My Fair Ellie
Once upon a time (okay, maybe about five years ago), a creative nurse named Cassie (who also happens to be a supermom) began making decorations -- much like...
The Dental Scrubs You Need
As a dental professional, your daily tasks are different than, say, those of a medical doctor, nurse, or veterinarian. Sure, there are many similarities, too,...
The Best Designer Scrubs Around
These days, designer scrubs should be the rule, not the exception. Yet, dinosaur brands continue to crank out what we call “potato sack scrubs” --...
Meet The Best Stretch Scrubs
REVIEWS ARE IN “Been searching for a while to find the perfect scrubs for me. Absolutely love these scrubs. The fabric makes me feel like...
The Dope Scrubs You've Been Looking For
Got good scrub game? Let us answer that for you: If you’re not wearing our dope scrubs, then quite possibly you don’t. Or maybe you...